diet continues
on a diet since I cook more!
but are very good in December I lost 7lbs and I am very happy ...
I discovered the beautiful Alice rivistaa
fantastiche.Il recipes and cooking is a reaction are happy my husband and my neighbors
bear him a mess of stuff, so their fat !:):)
a kiss and all,
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Stress And Flu Symptoms
I also use the term "Lefebvre" as a pejorative.
But to hear them talk, it is not then they have a point, here is a summary of the crucial points, broadly shared by any non-Catholic schismatic: -this-interessantissimo.html
I also use the term "Lefebvre" as a pejorative.
But to hear them talk, it is not then they have a point, here is a summary of the crucial points, broadly shared by any non-Catholic schismatic: -this-interessantissimo.html
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Price List At Jc Penney Salon
An interview with Aleya Dao
Aleya Dao is a deep knowledge of energy and a healing through sound.
She has the ability to tune into the energy that is coming on the planet every day and protocols to bring energy and sounds that help us move in a great state of clarity, self-empowerment, abundance and joy. Each meditation has many tools for driving, energetic alignment and offers pearls of wisdom to assist us in growth and 'evolution from a place of grace. Aleya working with the angels and guides to create his meditations and uses a special song called the Language of Light that comes directly to our hearts.
Intervista con Aleya Dao
Cara Aleya come sono state create le meditazioni o come sei arrivata alle meditazioni quotidiane?
Pochi anni fa, direi quattro anni fa, ho cominciato a voler essere di grande servizio. Sono 22 anni ora che offro consulti privati dove lavoro da persona a persona, individualmente sulle persone. E dopo 15 anni di consulti privati, una parte di me voleva aiutare più persone così ho posto la domanda al mio Essere superiore, agli Esseri angelici e alle Guide: "Come posso essere di maggior servizio per il mondo? Come posso aiutare più persone, oltre alle cinque persone che mi seguono ogni giorno? Oltre le 20, 30 con cui lavoro ogni settimana? E so I simply asked for four years and let it go and waited. And in November 2008 I was driving from Santa Barbara to San Diego, I was walking home and usually while driving by in a very deep meditative state and I heard the words: "Daily Meditations". And I thought, "Okay, maybe I have to meditate every day, make it happen." And I said, 'No, no, no, brings the daily meditations. " So I showed these audio files for five minutes that were handed to people on the morning of each day of the week, every day. I thought of this idea for a week, I talked to my husband about this.
And then in February 2009 I started creating the meditations quotidiane e la prima volta che ho creato una di queste meditazioni ci ho messo circa 45 minuti per registrare una traccia audio di cinque minuti. Ero così nervosa, non fluiva ed ho iniziato a pensare: "Va bene, lo continuerò a fare, diventerà sempre più facile". Creo le meditazioni in cinque , otto minuti mi sintonizzo con le energie che arrivano sul Pianeta ogni giorno. Così vado in questo stato meditativo e letteralmente permetto ad una parte di me di teletrasportarsi avanti nel tempo per sentire la corrente che sta arrivando sul Pianeta e prima di andare e di iniziare a sentire la corrente che arriva sul Pianeta in giorni particolari, chiamo gli Esseri angelici, le Guide delle meditazioni quotidiane, le mie Guide, i Maestri per circondarmi di creare un contenitore sicuro così che possa ricevere le informazioni molto chiaramente su quello in cui stiamo muovendo o quello da cui stiamo uscendo, qual è l'energia che sta scorrendo sul Pianeta che ha la capacità di aiutarci nella nostra evoluzione.
E poi creo queste piccole meditazioni che aiutano le persone a stare in un posto di chiarezza, sentirsi più guidati, sostenuti, consapevoli di quello che stiamo realmente attraversando in questi tempi di accelerazione ed illuminazione.
Come avere una relazione più profonda con gli Angeli e connettersi con loro?
Il Regno Angelico può aiutare le persone nel grado in cui esse aiutano se stesse. In America se guadagnate dei money and go to an institution, a bank, a foundation and say, "Will you give me some money?". That foundation would say: "If you earned $ 500, we'll give you $ 500." So the angelic realm works in much the same way. The world in which we live, the angelic realm, people will hold you in our lives to the extent that we support you deeply. So people who want to be incurred by the angelic realm would they want to raise the bearing support, the responsibility to support themselves more deeply into their core. And you do
asking your Higher Being and the Devas of your body to work with your energy field and guides to take your responsibilities back to your own line of God, and feeling that support greater than we have in our own line of God (NDT) is the light tube, a line that is opposite the spine and connects us with the Earth and the sources from which we speak) and the same for the devas of his body and his Team (NdT Team is a group of Beings of Light, the Angels, who are assigned in this life, to assist us and working on our own lessons).
For beings who want to hear the angels and hear the guidance of the Angels, if we listen more and the world, news, radio, music or even thinking about what other people are thinking of us, we will not have ears tuned inside, in tune with our inner being, our Supreme Being, our energetic aspect of us. If we listen to our Supreme Being, our inner being we have the ability to hear the angelic realm in a greater degree. So if you're surrounded by noise from the outside world and you are not in a place of calm and firm, it is very difficult to listen to the Angelic realm, the Angelic realm because it does not scream. Angels speak calmly, very gently, very gently, no trial, no criticism, no malice.
So in terms of hearing the angelic realm, I invite people to move in a more relaxed way of doing, with the daily meditations, that help people to move to a higher level of tranquility and calm. And even if you do not speak English, just listen. Listening to these meditations your energy field knows that information pruned within you. So you can not understand English to understand the energy components of these daily meditations. To feel better about the angelic realm, to feel more supported by the angelic realm, we increase our domestic support, support to us, and we listen to ourselves more deeply.
What attitude to adopt, what suggestions you have to face these times of great transformation?
Our planet is heading towards a process lighting that will be very intense over the next 20 years. Our planet, our galaxy are moving into a new current of energy. This new current of energy has a higher light quotient. The illusions are melting away, the veils, which are energy levels, curtains that separate the realms are dissolving.
What we are doing is to reflect ourselves in the outside world, so the inner world is reflected even more in the outside world. The illusions are melting away, people are becoming more aware of what they have inside them, which is reflected outside. In terms of what people can do to assist this transformation, my sentence preferita è: "Modellare la giusta energia". Così se manteniamo l'Amore per noi stessi dentro di noi, mostriamo agli altri come amare se stessi, se vogliono. Se siamo attaccati alla nostra propria crescita ed evoluzione, le persone accanto a noi potranno muoversi verso un maggiore attaccamento alla propria crescita ed evoluzione. Quello che accade nel nostro Pianeta è che stiamo attraversando e superando un periodo di grande co-dipendenza dove abbiamo fatto le cose per gli altri invece di farle per noi stessi.
Se mi amo ed estendo il mio Amore verso di te, inizierai anche tu ad amare te stessa/o, piuttosto che sentirmi io responsabile di amare te o che tu senta che io sono responsabile di amare te. Nel fare quel passo di responsabilità personale, ci muoviamo di più verso il rafforzamento del potere personale. Così smettiamo di essere o, smettiamo di percepire questa realtà di vittime e di persone che vittimizzano. Così ci stiamo muovendo verso un più alto rafforzamento del proprio potere personale. La seconda cosa importante è che noi facciamo molte cose per sentirci su e colmare i nostri vuoti, buchi. Quando siamo nella nostra vera Essenza cominciamo a portare la consapevolezza all'interno e a sentire come in questo modo siamo completi, perfettamente splendidi, squisiti, divini. Allora il vuoto interiore comincia ad andare via e finiamo di fare cose distruttive e di co-dipendenza.
Aleya Dao is a deep knowledge of energy and a healing through sound.
She has the ability to tune into the energy that is coming on the planet every day and protocols to bring energy and sounds that help us move in a great state of clarity, self-empowerment, abundance and joy. Each meditation has many tools for driving, energetic alignment and offers pearls of wisdom to assist us in growth and 'evolution from a place of grace. Aleya working with the angels and guides to create his meditations and uses a special song called the Language of Light that comes directly to our hearts.
Intervista con Aleya Dao
Cara Aleya come sono state create le meditazioni o come sei arrivata alle meditazioni quotidiane?
Pochi anni fa, direi quattro anni fa, ho cominciato a voler essere di grande servizio. Sono 22 anni ora che offro consulti privati dove lavoro da persona a persona, individualmente sulle persone. E dopo 15 anni di consulti privati, una parte di me voleva aiutare più persone così ho posto la domanda al mio Essere superiore, agli Esseri angelici e alle Guide: "Come posso essere di maggior servizio per il mondo? Come posso aiutare più persone, oltre alle cinque persone che mi seguono ogni giorno? Oltre le 20, 30 con cui lavoro ogni settimana? E so I simply asked for four years and let it go and waited. And in November 2008 I was driving from Santa Barbara to San Diego, I was walking home and usually while driving by in a very deep meditative state and I heard the words: "Daily Meditations". And I thought, "Okay, maybe I have to meditate every day, make it happen." And I said, 'No, no, no, brings the daily meditations. " So I showed these audio files for five minutes that were handed to people on the morning of each day of the week, every day. I thought of this idea for a week, I talked to my husband about this.
And then in February 2009 I started creating the meditations quotidiane e la prima volta che ho creato una di queste meditazioni ci ho messo circa 45 minuti per registrare una traccia audio di cinque minuti. Ero così nervosa, non fluiva ed ho iniziato a pensare: "Va bene, lo continuerò a fare, diventerà sempre più facile". Creo le meditazioni in cinque , otto minuti mi sintonizzo con le energie che arrivano sul Pianeta ogni giorno. Così vado in questo stato meditativo e letteralmente permetto ad una parte di me di teletrasportarsi avanti nel tempo per sentire la corrente che sta arrivando sul Pianeta e prima di andare e di iniziare a sentire la corrente che arriva sul Pianeta in giorni particolari, chiamo gli Esseri angelici, le Guide delle meditazioni quotidiane, le mie Guide, i Maestri per circondarmi di creare un contenitore sicuro così che possa ricevere le informazioni molto chiaramente su quello in cui stiamo muovendo o quello da cui stiamo uscendo, qual è l'energia che sta scorrendo sul Pianeta che ha la capacità di aiutarci nella nostra evoluzione.
E poi creo queste piccole meditazioni che aiutano le persone a stare in un posto di chiarezza, sentirsi più guidati, sostenuti, consapevoli di quello che stiamo realmente attraversando in questi tempi di accelerazione ed illuminazione.
Come avere una relazione più profonda con gli Angeli e connettersi con loro?
Il Regno Angelico può aiutare le persone nel grado in cui esse aiutano se stesse. In America se guadagnate dei money and go to an institution, a bank, a foundation and say, "Will you give me some money?". That foundation would say: "If you earned $ 500, we'll give you $ 500." So the angelic realm works in much the same way. The world in which we live, the angelic realm, people will hold you in our lives to the extent that we support you deeply. So people who want to be incurred by the angelic realm would they want to raise the bearing support, the responsibility to support themselves more deeply into their core. And you do
asking your Higher Being and the Devas of your body to work with your energy field and guides to take your responsibilities back to your own line of God, and feeling that support greater than we have in our own line of God (NDT) is the light tube, a line that is opposite the spine and connects us with the Earth and the sources from which we speak) and the same for the devas of his body and his Team (NdT Team is a group of Beings of Light, the Angels, who are assigned in this life, to assist us and working on our own lessons).
For beings who want to hear the angels and hear the guidance of the Angels, if we listen more and the world, news, radio, music or even thinking about what other people are thinking of us, we will not have ears tuned inside, in tune with our inner being, our Supreme Being, our energetic aspect of us. If we listen to our Supreme Being, our inner being we have the ability to hear the angelic realm in a greater degree. So if you're surrounded by noise from the outside world and you are not in a place of calm and firm, it is very difficult to listen to the Angelic realm, the Angelic realm because it does not scream. Angels speak calmly, very gently, very gently, no trial, no criticism, no malice.
So in terms of hearing the angelic realm, I invite people to move in a more relaxed way of doing, with the daily meditations, that help people to move to a higher level of tranquility and calm. And even if you do not speak English, just listen. Listening to these meditations your energy field knows that information pruned within you. So you can not understand English to understand the energy components of these daily meditations. To feel better about the angelic realm, to feel more supported by the angelic realm, we increase our domestic support, support to us, and we listen to ourselves more deeply.
What attitude to adopt, what suggestions you have to face these times of great transformation?
Our planet is heading towards a process lighting that will be very intense over the next 20 years. Our planet, our galaxy are moving into a new current of energy. This new current of energy has a higher light quotient. The illusions are melting away, the veils, which are energy levels, curtains that separate the realms are dissolving.
What we are doing is to reflect ourselves in the outside world, so the inner world is reflected even more in the outside world. The illusions are melting away, people are becoming more aware of what they have inside them, which is reflected outside. In terms of what people can do to assist this transformation, my sentence preferita è: "Modellare la giusta energia". Così se manteniamo l'Amore per noi stessi dentro di noi, mostriamo agli altri come amare se stessi, se vogliono. Se siamo attaccati alla nostra propria crescita ed evoluzione, le persone accanto a noi potranno muoversi verso un maggiore attaccamento alla propria crescita ed evoluzione. Quello che accade nel nostro Pianeta è che stiamo attraversando e superando un periodo di grande co-dipendenza dove abbiamo fatto le cose per gli altri invece di farle per noi stessi.
Se mi amo ed estendo il mio Amore verso di te, inizierai anche tu ad amare te stessa/o, piuttosto che sentirmi io responsabile di amare te o che tu senta che io sono responsabile di amare te. Nel fare quel passo di responsabilità personale, ci muoviamo di più verso il rafforzamento del potere personale. Così smettiamo di essere o, smettiamo di percepire questa realtà di vittime e di persone che vittimizzano. Così ci stiamo muovendo verso un più alto rafforzamento del proprio potere personale. La seconda cosa importante è che noi facciamo molte cose per sentirci su e colmare i nostri vuoti, buchi. Quando siamo nella nostra vera Essenza cominciamo a portare la consapevolezza all'interno e a sentire come in questo modo siamo completi, perfettamente splendidi, squisiti, divini. Allora il vuoto interiore comincia ad andare via e finiamo di fare cose distruttive e di co-dipendenza.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Buying Wow Cards Toronto, Canada
sbellicarsi by: concerned about the cattocomunisti
carnival is not a joke: it is the cattocomunisti of Adista who believe that sixty-eight is not yet over, including an article on the pastoral care of homosexual and a revolutionary on Third Worldism, find a way comment on the "eligible candidates" for the diocese of Milan, shooting rubbish as big as a house
Adista of these have passed Bruno Forte on "Ratzinger", Angelo Scola for ignorant and antipastorale, Communion and Liberation as "reported" to ecclesiastical court ... when in fact the real titles to become bishop of Milan would be the "Piedmont", having "met" the leaders Arcigay, being "disciples" of Martini (but not the south) ... From sbellicarsi laughter.
carnival is not a joke: it is the cattocomunisti of Adista who believe that sixty-eight is not yet over, including an article on the pastoral care of homosexual and a revolutionary on Third Worldism, find a way comment on the "eligible candidates" for the diocese of Milan, shooting rubbish as big as a house
Adista of these have passed Bruno Forte on "Ratzinger", Angelo Scola for ignorant and antipastorale, Communion and Liberation as "reported" to ecclesiastical court ... when in fact the real titles to become bishop of Milan would be the "Piedmont", having "met" the leaders Arcigay, being "disciples" of Martini (but not the south) ... From sbellicarsi laughter.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Red Checkered Tablecloths And Italian
Milan massacre of the city and dispersed Jews
Prophecy over Jerusalem. Since the killing of God was the most monstrous crime, which never made any, so he was punished by God with the most terrible punishment. The Savior Himself foretold in the Gospel that the Jews as a punishment of their obstinacy would be besieged in their city, and reduced to such disasters to call those lucky mothers who had not had children, that those people should be dispersed in all deicide parts of the world without the prince, a priest of the temple that the same temple, in which, for the forward erase as much pleased God, would be entirely destroyed, not left one stone upon another: and that these evils would have seen before pass this generation.
signs preceding the destruction of Jerusalem. these predictions were terrible, terrible the fulfillment thereof. God for another which is infinite goodness would still warn the Jews with several signs horribly strange, day and night rendevansi posters. In the day of Pentecost was a voice heard in the temple, that without being able to know from whence it came, strongly echoed: We go out of here, get out of here. A man named Ananias came from the country, and entered and finished in the city not to shout at the temple Woe, woe to Jerusalem, heading from the East, heading West, heading from the four winds, woe to the temple, woe to Jerusalem. He was caught, jailed, beaten severely, but never held not to repeat the same lament from the ramparts, in the city for three years, after which exclaiming: "Woe to me, venne colpito da una pietra sul capo e morì.
Una notte apparve intorno al tempio e all'altare una luce sì viva, che risplendette per mezz'ora come di mezzogiorno. Una porta del tempio di bronzo e di peso così enorme, che ci volevano 20 uomini per chiuderla, si aperse da per se stessa. Alcuni giorni dopo in tutti i paesi vicini a Gerusalemme si vedevano in aria eserciti schierati i quali la cingevano d'assedio. Apparve una cometa, che vomitava fiamme a guisa di fulmini, e una stella in forma di spada stette sospesa un anno con la punta rivolta a Gerusalemme. Tali sono i segni prodigiosi che notte e dì annunziavano a questo popolo l'imminente sua rovina, e lo chiamavano a penitenza.
Eccidio della città e dispersione degli Ebrei. A tanti segni non mai veduti gli Ebrei erano atterriti, ma niuno pensava a invocare la misericordia del Signore. Intanto videro circondarsi la città da un esercito romano, prima guidato da un celebre guerriero di nome Vespasiano, poi da suo figlio Tito. Costoro, senza saperlo, fatti strumenti dell'ira divina, cooperarono ad avverare quanto era scritto nel Vangelo riguardo allo sterminio degli Ebrei. Formato da prima un assedio a distanza di due miglia dalla città, ne chiusero tutte le uscite. Avvenne questo circa le solennità pasquali, in cui grande moltitudine di Giudei essendo venuti in Gerusalemme per le feste, vi restarono chiusi, onde la scarsezza dei cibi si fece tosto terribilmente sentire. Gli abitanti furono ridotti to eat any kind of food, even to one another is snatched most disgusting things in order to calm in the raging hunger. To get some idea of \u200b\u200bthe excesses, which were conducted by the misery the Jews, just those of a mother. Close it by hunger, he broke the bonds of blood, and trampled the rights of nature, fixing his eyes on an innocent child: Hapless , said, Serbian to you? Suffering from one thousand horrors before expiring and to make matters worse suffer an unworthy slavery. So saying, he grabs him, bleeding with the roast, and eat half and hide the rest. Horror, in which those who saw themselves in great pain could not believe!
Tito, who had already made himself master of one part of the city, he attacked the temple and set fire to the door and ordered another to preserve the body of the building. But a Roman soldier, took a firebrand, threw him into the inner part of the temple. The fire is dilated and despite the efforts of Titus to stop the fire, all the time was consumed by flames.
The Romans massacred those who fell into their hands, and put everything to blood and fire.
came true as the disasters predicted by the Divine Savior in Jerusalem. Tito himself confessed that the success of the company was not his work, and that he had only been an instrument of divine wrath. Nell'eccidio of Jerusalem were killed and one million one hundred thousand inhabitants. The rest of the Jews were scattered throughout the world, condemned by God to go wandering here and there, without a prince, without sacrifice and without an altar, in the midst of foreign nations, until the end of centuries, during which time the eyes open and recognize his God in the One who was crucified.
*** From the book: Sacred History , Don Bosco, pages 212-213 (Chapter fourteenth). The Salesians, so careful in exploiting every little word of their founder St. John Bosco, could you ask for the book republished in its entirety.
Prophecy over Jerusalem. Since the killing of God was the most monstrous crime, which never made any, so he was punished by God with the most terrible punishment. The Savior Himself foretold in the Gospel that the Jews as a punishment of their obstinacy would be besieged in their city, and reduced to such disasters to call those lucky mothers who had not had children, that those people should be dispersed in all deicide parts of the world without the prince, a priest of the temple that the same temple, in which, for the forward erase as much pleased God, would be entirely destroyed, not left one stone upon another: and that these evils would have seen before pass this generation.
signs preceding the destruction of Jerusalem. these predictions were terrible, terrible the fulfillment thereof. God for another which is infinite goodness would still warn the Jews with several signs horribly strange, day and night rendevansi posters. In the day of Pentecost was a voice heard in the temple, that without being able to know from whence it came, strongly echoed: We go out of here, get out of here. A man named Ananias came from the country, and entered and finished in the city not to shout at the temple Woe, woe to Jerusalem, heading from the East, heading West, heading from the four winds, woe to the temple, woe to Jerusalem. He was caught, jailed, beaten severely, but never held not to repeat the same lament from the ramparts, in the city for three years, after which exclaiming: "Woe to me, venne colpito da una pietra sul capo e morì.
Una notte apparve intorno al tempio e all'altare una luce sì viva, che risplendette per mezz'ora come di mezzogiorno. Una porta del tempio di bronzo e di peso così enorme, che ci volevano 20 uomini per chiuderla, si aperse da per se stessa. Alcuni giorni dopo in tutti i paesi vicini a Gerusalemme si vedevano in aria eserciti schierati i quali la cingevano d'assedio. Apparve una cometa, che vomitava fiamme a guisa di fulmini, e una stella in forma di spada stette sospesa un anno con la punta rivolta a Gerusalemme. Tali sono i segni prodigiosi che notte e dì annunziavano a questo popolo l'imminente sua rovina, e lo chiamavano a penitenza.
Eccidio della città e dispersione degli Ebrei. A tanti segni non mai veduti gli Ebrei erano atterriti, ma niuno pensava a invocare la misericordia del Signore. Intanto videro circondarsi la città da un esercito romano, prima guidato da un celebre guerriero di nome Vespasiano, poi da suo figlio Tito. Costoro, senza saperlo, fatti strumenti dell'ira divina, cooperarono ad avverare quanto era scritto nel Vangelo riguardo allo sterminio degli Ebrei. Formato da prima un assedio a distanza di due miglia dalla città, ne chiusero tutte le uscite. Avvenne questo circa le solennità pasquali, in cui grande moltitudine di Giudei essendo venuti in Gerusalemme per le feste, vi restarono chiusi, onde la scarsezza dei cibi si fece tosto terribilmente sentire. Gli abitanti furono ridotti to eat any kind of food, even to one another is snatched most disgusting things in order to calm in the raging hunger. To get some idea of \u200b\u200bthe excesses, which were conducted by the misery the Jews, just those of a mother. Close it by hunger, he broke the bonds of blood, and trampled the rights of nature, fixing his eyes on an innocent child: Hapless , said, Serbian to you? Suffering from one thousand horrors before expiring and to make matters worse suffer an unworthy slavery. So saying, he grabs him, bleeding with the roast, and eat half and hide the rest. Horror, in which those who saw themselves in great pain could not believe!
Tito, who had already made himself master of one part of the city, he attacked the temple and set fire to the door and ordered another to preserve the body of the building. But a Roman soldier, took a firebrand, threw him into the inner part of the temple. The fire is dilated and despite the efforts of Titus to stop the fire, all the time was consumed by flames.
The Romans massacred those who fell into their hands, and put everything to blood and fire.
came true as the disasters predicted by the Divine Savior in Jerusalem. Tito himself confessed that the success of the company was not his work, and that he had only been an instrument of divine wrath. Nell'eccidio of Jerusalem were killed and one million one hundred thousand inhabitants. The rest of the Jews were scattered throughout the world, condemned by God to go wandering here and there, without a prince, without sacrifice and without an altar, in the midst of foreign nations, until the end of centuries, during which time the eyes open and recognize his God in the One who was crucified.
*** From the book: Sacred History , Don Bosco, pages 212-213 (Chapter fourteenth). The Salesians, so careful in exploiting every little word of their founder St. John Bosco, could you ask for the book republished in its entirety.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
The Replacements Han Tai
invent ... diseases
The pharmaceutical business invents diseases to burst. A long and humorous review of the nonsense of Health:
Carlo Bellieni: Roman law stipulated that the unborn child were also owners rights (such as birth and to be recipients of inheritance):
The pharmaceutical business invents diseases to burst. A long and humorous review of the nonsense of Health:
Carlo Bellieni: Roman law stipulated that the unborn child were also owners rights (such as birth and to be recipients of inheritance):
Friday, March 4, 2011
Where To Get A Fake Id In Windsor
dossier: Bruno Contrada
"Those who fight the Mafia, is likely the mud" (Bruno Contrada)
operations coordinated by Bruno Contrada just prior to his arrest:
More news on its website:
also highlights:
". .. the great detective Bruno Contrada, who was made out of that sorry had never said anything until the existing structure of the High Commissioner was to fight the Cosa Nostra. And back then were unleashed against him when it became clear that two schools of thought in the Italian State had gone to war in those days of autumn 1992: the one who wanted to convert the structure of intelligence in SISDE anti mafia, and it was Contrada former head, and those who wanted to leave exclusively to the DIA, the structure built by De Gennaro and Falcone in 1991 in the current police chief was his head. " ( source)
famous phrases:
"... and put in jail the doctor who has played Contrada la minchia come nessun altro per trent’anni…" (Giacomo Riina, zio del boss Totò Riina).
"Those who fight the Mafia, is likely the mud" (Bruno Contrada)
operations coordinated by Bruno Contrada just prior to his arrest:
- On 2 November 1991 in Rome was foiled attempt to kidnap the son Silvano Franconetti the contractor and the authors of the kidnapping were arrested.
- On January 27, 1992 in Rome were seized 56 kg of heroin "Brown Sugar", arrived in Italy through the so-called "Balkan route" and from the Middle East. The narcotics traffickers were all arrested.
- On April 9, 1992 was discovered in April a dangerous gang that attacked, even by means of explosives, armored car. The members of the band, five offenders, were all arrested.
- On 14 June 1992 were found more than 4,000 Kg.di hashish, largely hidden in a boat sunk off the coast of Fiumicino. Seven offenders were arrested, including a former Red Brigades.
- September 11, 1992 were seized from Ponza 3000 kg of hashish and arrested eight drug traffickers, who had set up a drug trafficking from Morocco.
- On 17 October 1992 in Florence and Milan, after a detailed investigation activity was carried out a broad operation against the mafia organization that was headed to the families of Cursoti, Madonia and the Corleonesi. This organization had the fleet as an operational base in Milan.
- On July 3, 1993 (then seven months after the arrest of Bruno Contrada) he coordinated the activities statement initiated and led to the seizure of movable and immovable property, securities and shares which were owned by Totò Riina and Bernardo Provenzano. This operation, set by Dr. Contrada after the attack on July 19, 1992, in which the judge Borsellino was killed, was the result of painstaking research on the links of kinship between the various members of the winning mafias.
More news on its website:
also highlights:
". .. the great detective Bruno Contrada, who was made out of that sorry had never said anything until the existing structure of the High Commissioner was to fight the Cosa Nostra. And back then were unleashed against him when it became clear that two schools of thought in the Italian State had gone to war in those days of autumn 1992: the one who wanted to convert the structure of intelligence in SISDE anti mafia, and it was Contrada former head, and those who wanted to leave exclusively to the DIA, the structure built by De Gennaro and Falcone in 1991 in the current police chief was his head. " ( source)
famous phrases:
"... and put in jail the doctor who has played Contrada la minchia come nessun altro per trent’anni…" (Giacomo Riina, zio del boss Totò Riina).
Thursday, March 3, 2011
3yr Bday Invite Lines
state affairs
"Affari di stato": un'interessante pagina di storia su quando Caifa venne deposto per concorso morale nell'assassinio di santo Stefano:
"Affari di stato": un'interessante pagina di storia su quando Caifa venne deposto per concorso morale nell'assassinio di santo Stefano:
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Sunday Sport Joe Guest Dvd Pin
conservatism is not conservatism
Utile lettura (da Gnocchi e Palmaro) per capire quanto siano "cattivi maestri" certi cosiddetti "conservatori" (non tutti sanno che "conservatori" e "tradizionalisti" sono due cose terribilmente differenti):
Moving: a blog open in 2003 (ie four years before the Motu Proprio most famous in recent centuries), with one page
Scandal Jehovah's Witnesses: even speculate on so-called "Kingdom Halls" (while the poor followers gave up even the "pizza Saturday night). The hilarious part where it says that the fathers of other religions (Catholics, Adventists, etc.) that have not even require the approval of Jehovah voluntary donations, but do not dream of mica "plucking the chickens' ... "Sometimes we have the impression of being rather than plucking chickens sheep Jehovah's pastoral care, excuse my frankness but we want to be honest all the way! " . html
Utile lettura (da Gnocchi e Palmaro) per capire quanto siano "cattivi maestri" certi cosiddetti "conservatori" (non tutti sanno che "conservatori" e "tradizionalisti" sono due cose terribilmente differenti):
Moving: a blog open in 2003 (ie four years before the Motu Proprio most famous in recent centuries), with one page
Scandal Jehovah's Witnesses: even speculate on so-called "Kingdom Halls" (while the poor followers gave up even the "pizza Saturday night). The hilarious part where it says that the fathers of other religions (Catholics, Adventists, etc.) that have not even require the approval of Jehovah voluntary donations, but do not dream of mica "plucking the chickens' ... "Sometimes we have the impression of being rather than plucking chickens sheep Jehovah's pastoral care, excuse my frankness but we want to be honest all the way! " . html
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Can You Eat Blunt Wraps?
a man called one day would be enough quirk
on Satanism and the "curse" implemented through objects: -evil-the-half-offered-to-hell-why-you-emboss-the-force-his-evil
Summary table of correspondences between the atheist and the self-devoted neocon Ferrara monaco Bianchi:
Clamorous own goal on living wills:
on Satanism and the "curse" implemented through objects: -evil-the-half-offered-to-hell-why-you-emboss-the-force-his-evil
Summary table of correspondences between the atheist and the self-devoted neocon Ferrara monaco Bianchi:
Clamorous own goal on living wills:
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