Milan massacre of the city and dispersed Jews
Prophecy over Jerusalem. Since the killing of God was the most monstrous crime, which never made any, so he was punished by God with the most terrible punishment. The Savior Himself foretold in the Gospel that the Jews as a punishment of their obstinacy would be besieged in their city, and reduced to such disasters to call those lucky mothers who had not had children, that those people should be dispersed in all deicide parts of the world without the prince, a priest of the temple that the same temple, in which, for the forward erase as much pleased God, would be entirely destroyed, not left one stone upon another: and that these evils would have seen before pass this generation.
signs preceding the destruction of Jerusalem. these predictions were terrible, terrible the fulfillment thereof. God for another which is infinite goodness would still warn the Jews with several signs horribly strange, day and night rendevansi posters. In the day of Pentecost was a voice heard in the temple, that without being able to know from whence it came, strongly echoed: We go out of here, get out of here. A man named Ananias came from the country, and entered and finished in the city not to shout at the temple Woe, woe to Jerusalem, heading from the East, heading West, heading from the four winds, woe to the temple, woe to Jerusalem. He was caught, jailed, beaten severely, but never held not to repeat the same lament from the ramparts, in the city for three years, after which exclaiming: "Woe to me, venne colpito da una pietra sul capo e morì.
Una notte apparve intorno al tempio e all'altare una luce sì viva, che risplendette per mezz'ora come di mezzogiorno. Una porta del tempio di bronzo e di peso così enorme, che ci volevano 20 uomini per chiuderla, si aperse da per se stessa. Alcuni giorni dopo in tutti i paesi vicini a Gerusalemme si vedevano in aria eserciti schierati i quali la cingevano d'assedio. Apparve una cometa, che vomitava fiamme a guisa di fulmini, e una stella in forma di spada stette sospesa un anno con la punta rivolta a Gerusalemme. Tali sono i segni prodigiosi che notte e dì annunziavano a questo popolo l'imminente sua rovina, e lo chiamavano a penitenza.
Eccidio della città e dispersione degli Ebrei. A tanti segni non mai veduti gli Ebrei erano atterriti, ma niuno pensava a invocare la misericordia del Signore. Intanto videro circondarsi la città da un esercito romano, prima guidato da un celebre guerriero di nome Vespasiano, poi da suo figlio Tito. Costoro, senza saperlo, fatti strumenti dell'ira divina, cooperarono ad avverare quanto era scritto nel Vangelo riguardo allo sterminio degli Ebrei. Formato da prima un assedio a distanza di due miglia dalla città, ne chiusero tutte le uscite. Avvenne questo circa le solennità pasquali, in cui grande moltitudine di Giudei essendo venuti in Gerusalemme per le feste, vi restarono chiusi, onde la scarsezza dei cibi si fece tosto terribilmente sentire. Gli abitanti furono ridotti to eat any kind of food, even to one another is snatched most disgusting things in order to calm in the raging hunger. To get some idea of \u200b\u200bthe excesses, which were conducted by the misery the Jews, just those of a mother. Close it by hunger, he broke the bonds of blood, and trampled the rights of nature, fixing his eyes on an innocent child: Hapless , said, Serbian to you? Suffering from one thousand horrors before expiring and to make matters worse suffer an unworthy slavery. So saying, he grabs him, bleeding with the roast, and eat half and hide the rest. Horror, in which those who saw themselves in great pain could not believe!
Tito, who had already made himself master of one part of the city, he attacked the temple and set fire to the door and ordered another to preserve the body of the building. But a Roman soldier, took a firebrand, threw him into the inner part of the temple. The fire is dilated and despite the efforts of Titus to stop the fire, all the time was consumed by flames.
The Romans massacred those who fell into their hands, and put everything to blood and fire.
came true as the disasters predicted by the Divine Savior in Jerusalem. Tito himself confessed that the success of the company was not his work, and that he had only been an instrument of divine wrath. Nell'eccidio of Jerusalem were killed and one million one hundred thousand inhabitants. The rest of the Jews were scattered throughout the world, condemned by God to go wandering here and there, without a prince, without sacrifice and without an altar, in the midst of foreign nations, until the end of centuries, during which time the eyes open and recognize his God in the One who was crucified.
*** From the book: Sacred History , Don Bosco, pages 212-213 (Chapter fourteenth). The Salesians, so careful in exploiting every little word of their founder St. John Bosco, could you ask for the book republished in its entirety.
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