Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Best Treatment For Multiple Lipomas

penne with mushrooms

Well you place a dish it was my dinner last ...
I must say that until recently had my pasta with mushrooms in it only cream and sautéed mushrooms (yum yum I'm greedy) ... But the surprise one day, I followed the advice of my mother to put on a some little things to make it more tasty ... and I did ...
needless to say that I was completely won over by his peculiar taste: D

PS I'll put the penne because ... as you may have noticed are my favorite: P pote but you put other types of pasta to ... such as fusilli we are fine;)

Well ... ready? Hand to the pantry in search of ... ...

500 grams of penne
4 zucchini sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms

cream (I use that plant ... also excellent for those with allergies or intolerances)

You have everything? So ok
viaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ....

1. Take the zucchini peel and cut into cubes, do the same with the mushrooms

2. Put the zucchini and mushrooms in a pan with a little oil and salt ... then add in the bacon

3. Boil water in a saucepan and toss in the penne

4. Pour into the pan, along with other ingredients for the cream and mix well ...

5. Ready drained pasta and the sauce mixed eeeeeeeeeee ... ...

Voilà ...
your penne with mushrooms are ready: D

participate in the contest of

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Kate Playground Forumophilia

Pasta with zucchini flowers

vi avevo promesso che avrei postato presto una nuova ricetta...ed eccola qua...
Il piatto più famoso e più importante della cucina italiana si combina ai profumi e colori dei  fiori di zucca  ...molto semplice ma con un gusto unico e lo uso sia come primo piatto quando ho degli anche per un pasto veloce quando le lezioni non mi lasciano tanto tempo per la pausa...
Bene ora vediamo cosa dobbiamo utilizzare 5 porzioni abbondanti :
Ci servono

  • 500 gr. di mezze penne rigate
  • 30 fiori di zucca
  • 500 gr. di pezzettoni di pomodoro (se no ne avete va bene anche la passata di pomodoro)
  • zafferano
  • peperoncino o paprika
  • aglio
  • cipolla
Bene siete prontiiiiii??........viaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

1. Tagliate a pezzettini i fiori di zucca e fateli soffriggere in un pò d'olio con cipolle e aglio sminuzzati...

2. aggiungete i pezzettoni...zafferano...e un pizzico di peperoncino...per un'effetto afrodisiaco :P (a chi non piace il piccante potete metterci un pizzico di paprika dolce...che ha un gusto molto più delicato...

3. Fate bollire l'acqua e lessate le nostre mezze penne rigare

4. Aggiungete il sugo alla pasta...conditela per bene eeeeeeeeeee....

Voilà vostro primo piatto semplice e leggero è pronto in tavola :D

Friday, September 24, 2010

Positve Letter For Someone Depressed

theme dinners in POKER

questa è la prima idea che ho avuto per il mio little blog ...
busy between exams and study at this time I did not have much of a time to devote to my hobby ... if not ... when during a dinner with friends who had come to see us ... I had to think of something good to be prepared ... The idea came from a simple phrase, "Tomorrow I recommend small parties to bring the poker chips ... we do a torneino ...
And there he lit the lamp ... why do not you need to play poker and chips and deck of cards that is ... in "swallowed" and "tasty" in other words .... a real menu theme ...

As a starter, so I prepared some tasty chips ... colorful and round like those reali

Da affiancare alle fiches ci dev'essere poi il mazzo di carte...e perchè non trasformarlo in una porzione di  lasagne al forno ...che sfoglia su sfoglia assomiglia davvero all'originale :P

E per cocludere non può mancare un bell'Asso ......e con un pò di decorazioni ecco che abbiamo la nostra  millesfoglie "asso di picche" ....golosissima al cioccolato e vaniglia...

Tutti sono rimasti davvero soddisfatti della mia cenetta (me compresa ad essere sincesa :P)...
E' bello cucinare per i propri compagnia...ed è bello farlo con creatività...inventando every time something new (and good) ... since really the most beautiful disease satisfies ....
And then .... makes me happy ... and makes me forget all the problems ... commitments and the stress of daily tram tram: D

I hope to post more often from now on .. ..
you soon ... Kisses ...:*

Baby Shower Sayings With Hat

millesfoglie vanilla and chocolate "Ace of Spades"

To round off our dinner themed poker ... what's better than a millesfoglie which will become an 'ace Spades?
will be your ace in the hole (although a little too big ah ah: P)
Well now we see step by step how to build our excellent, traditional paper ...
will suffice

  • una scatola di sfoglie quadrate (se avete tempo preparate la pasta sfoglia tagliatela in 3 rettangoli e infornatela)
  • budino al cioccolato
  • budino alla vaniglia
  • cacao amaro
  • zucchero a velo
  • nutella

Bene avete tutto....1...2...3...viaaaaa

1.  Prendete la prima sfoglia e cospargetela di budino alla vaniglia con una spolverata di cacao amaro sopra

2. Put a new sheet on and do the same with the first chocolate pudding .... then again with the vanilla pudding ...

3.  Arrivati all'ultimo strato penseremo ora a come decorare il nostro dolce: spolverate la sfoglia di cacao amaro

4.   Per avere uno sfondo bianco come nelle carte spolverate il tutto con dello zucchero a velo fino a ricoprire completamente la superficie

5.  Ora prendete una sac a poche e riempitela con della nutella non molto densa...con un beccuccio fine sarà possibile fare prima il disegno del picche al centro e riempirlo...e in seguito le A prima da un lato e poi al suo opposto


VOILA '... is not real great ? and I assure you that is really good: D

This recipe will take part in Passion Chocolate

Kidney Function After Failure

always winter bearfest

many more photos!

Deed Of Variation In Canada

tasty appetizer of chips

To start with a nice dinner ... and why not to go with a poker at any time ... we can prepare some nice eating chips ... super tasty, colorful and easy to prepare ... We will only

  • a box of Ritz (or any crunchy cracker;))
  • a red pepper
  • a yellow pepper
  • a beautiful courgette great
  • cream cheese
Well you everything at your fingertips? 6 generous portions will leave

It iniziaaaaaaa

1. Open and clean the peppers and courgettes (you will not need to open them because they already have a round shape)

2. Take a ritz and place it over the peppers and use it as Formina ... so as to replicate the circular shape on all sides

3. Cut the zucchini into rounds

4. Toss with a drizzle of olive oil that you got the washers

5. Spread the cream cheese with ritz

6. Poggiatevi over grilled vegetables eeeeee ....

Voila ..... your chips are ready to munch on tasty: D

I recommend you do not go ALL IN or you risk to make them eat all your friends: P

participate in the contest of / 01/ce-sempre-una-prima-volta-contest.html

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Biochemistry Of Graves Disease

exhausted by the day!

Tax Refund On Tuesday

Banana Fruit And Yogurt Swirl Braums

ever festival teddy!

Radeon 9600 R96 128mb Treiber

my purchases London

after hours of indecision and up and down for the fair, 4
teddy bears went back to the first I had seen
as the wedding dress is usually the first to test
is what allows choosing!

a greeting to all of you,

Monday, September 20, 2010

Granny Suite Floor Plans

, among them my purchase ...