Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fulla Horak Zaświaty

carrots and tuna meatballs

Salve a tutti...
è quasi una settimana che non posto realtà I cooked a lot ... and then I will have time to write and fotuzzare Blog: D

I want to start with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe carrots ... I adoooooooooro ...
I had many, many carrots cut into julienne strips ready for a salad ... but they were really a lot ...

thinks so think you came to my mind a few days before read a recipe for sweet salty ... the blog of cute Ylenia ( Tuna-balls-and-carrot-without-pan.html )

My problem with eggs is well known by now ... and to do something light and I used some good ideas and some of Ylenia idee mie...

e quel che ne è uscito fuori è davvero un secondo sfizziosissimo :D

Ho usato :

  • 3 carote gratuggiate
  • 3 scatolette di tonno (io per farle più light ho usato quello al naturale)
  • 200 gr di pan grattato
  • 1 uovo (uno solo me lo sono concesso :P)
  • 1/2 bicchiere d'olio di semi

Bene siete prontiiiiii??

1. Mettete le carote in una pentola con un bicchiere d'acqua e aspettate che l'acqua si assorba e le carote diventino well-boiled:)

2. Now put all ingredients in a large bowl, mix all

3. The dough is not as compact as that of the classical balls then do the mega meat balls crushed ... as a kind of hamburger ...

4. A little oil on the pan and then off ... all of our meatballs to cook ... me ... then it came out 10 for 2 people is more than plenty: P

Et voila ... buoneeee: Q___


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