Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Informacion De Cystadenoma Mucinous En Español

The Friendship Relay

Hello: D
days ago I went into "virtual house" of clumsy and found I've got a nice surprise ...
have been involved in the relay of friendship ... one that has' runs between us food bloggers ... initiative that I find so beautiful ...
takes few simple questions to know each other a bit 'more of the people who read every day ... a way to understand the similarities and differences that go beyond the kitchen ... Passion that unites us all (or almost): D Well the
rules are these:

  • Put the logo on their Blog
  • Answer the 8 questions
  • pass the baton to 14 other friends who would know better ...
is simple ... I hope that all the people invited will appreciate the invite: P

And now off with the questions ...

1) When asked what you wanted from small to large thing answer them?
As a child I wanted to shoot the hairdresser ... I think it's because andavoo often find a family friend who has a salon ... and I could see the artistic side of things: D
2) What were your favorite cartoons?
So ... I looked a bit 'of everything ... but my favorites were the Disney classics (The Little Mermaid and Cinderella)

but also the souls (which look ... I'm still a kid) as Ranma 1 / 2, Ross, etc. ..
3) What were your favorite games?
I loved playing with Barbie and build the stories ... but also play with my kitchen with accessories: D
4) What was your most beautiful birthday and why?
Maybe I celebrated the 18th birthday ... great with a third party ... with relatives in a club ... and ... the final evening in a room ... I enjoyed it a world ...

But the 20th was also memorable because it was the first step with my boyfriend and with new people that are now part of my everyday life (including my fellow roommates \u0026lt;3) ...
5) What are the things you wanted absolutely do and you have not already done?
I must say that I agree with clumsy ... I would love to go to Paris (Being French I've always heard about but never really lived, alas) to travel a lot and see new places, to design a course of sugar and cooking. living abroad .. per un po' di tempo...riuscire a parlare tante tante lingue :P e anche altre cose...ma sarebbe una lista interminabili
6) Qual è stata la vostra prima passione sportiva e non?
La pallavolo
7) Qual è stato il vostro primo idolo musicale?
Oltre allo Zecchino D'oro la prima canzone che ho imparato a 2 anni è stata "La solitudine" di Laura Pausini...ora ho tutt'altri gusti ma allora andava su tutte le radio...
8) Qual è stata la cosa più bella chiesta (ed  eventualmente  ricevuta) a Babbo Natale, Gesù Bambino, Santa Lucia? 
mmmmm ... Actually the best thing sought was the nouvelle cuisine ... and the great height Barbie girl ... I have never received ... but every year they'll be just as beautiful: D

Well now give the floor to answer you ... if you like and you run the relay race: D
pass the baton to:

  1. Elisa of http://lacasadibetty.blogspot.com/
  2. Stephen and Veronica http://2cuoriincucina.blogspot.com/
  3. Pagnotttella of http://ilgaiomondodigaia.blogspot.com/
  4. Stefy and Rosy's http://noidueincucina.blogspot.com
  5. Cristina http://telovolevodire.blogspot.com/
  6. Letizia of http://sognidizucchero.blogspot.com
  7. Federica http://pandiramerino.blogspot.com/
  8. of Gaijin http://pensieriedolcezze.blogspot.com
  9. Ely's http://nellacucinadiely.blogspot.com/
  10. Frances http://pentoleeallegria.blogspot.com/
  11. Meggy di  http://deliciousmeggy.blogspot.com
  12. La Wedding Planner di  http://deliciousmeggy.blogspot.com
  13. Luca e Sabrina di  http://saporidivini.blogspot.com/
  14. Vicky di  http://vickyart.giallozafferano.it/

A presto con tante nuove ricette (lo so sono stata assente per problemi di tempo ma cercherò di recuperare :P)
Ciao Ciao


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