Monday, January 3, 2011

Do You Need A W2 For State Disability In Nj?

New Year and 100 followers ... GRAZIEEE

one place to tell you many things ....
First .... Many many good wishes for a happy 2011 ...
Who knows what will bring us this new year ...
sure I brought a big surprise ...
RAGAZZIIIIII .... WE GET TO 100 ... *________*
really a big surprise ... not me I never expected it ...
So I have to say really ...

That night in September, when returning home I came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bopening a cooking blog and add us as a result of all my creations, projects, techniques that sometimes I like to experiment, I knew that was the beginning of a world. Write
you, read blogs of women and men who like you have a passion and cultivate creativity in their veins, learn many new recipes, get the inspiration for many new projects and the encouragement to continue to experience, thanks to comments Who is like you, who appreciates what you do ...

It is so beautiful ...

I make a special thanks to Rob, Fab, Magnolia, Tecla and Ilaria are some of my early supporters and are part of my life every day ...
But many of you have given me so much with stories that made me move, think and made me discover new worlds ...
Unfortunately I can not know better, but I'd like to meet you one day, working, talking, cooking together ... and maybe put it in the list of resolutions for the new year.: D

Tomorrow I'll give the recipe for mini croissant nutella ... but today I want to dedicate this post only to us ...
101 Dalmatians followers hope will grow even ...
And again thanking all of you remember my Blog Candy that is about to expire ... Join
participate partecipateeee ....

:**** smack
sending you a big kiss and see you soon;)


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