Thursday, January 27, 2011

What Can You Babies For Flem

Mini croissant pastry menu and post parties ...

tuttiiiiii Hi:) I absolutely
surrounded by books, files, notes ... imagine me sitting with a paper frame, notebook paper ... the exam time is terrible ... no time to do anything really ... Then, to complicate a little 'life, I also enrolled in the gym (to dispose of the candy party: P) ... so the time has become zero.
But now I decided to unplug for a while and spend some 'dear to my blog:)

I'll show you how I made some nice croissant with Nutella easy ... easy to conclude a light menu after-party: P

Then you will

  • 1 roll of puff pastry
  • nutella

Pronti?? sarà semplice trovare il necessario :P 

  1. Per prima cosa stendere la pasta e ritagliarci dei triangoli non troppo grandi (se sono mini son mini eh ;))
  2. Mettere una piccola quantità di nutella nella parte inferiore del triangolo
  3. Arrotolare il triangolo a mò di brioches                                                                                                                        
  4. Bake at 180 degrees until golden and puffy beautiful

Et voila;) you the following mini croissants .. .

Combine with ...
Studel tuna and onions as the first ...

pork chops with potatoes as the second ...

Well how about this menu: P

Let me know ... I follow you always, even if I have little time to post ...:)

Hello, hello ... a prestoo: D



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