Saturday, December 25, 2010

Wording For Food Allergies On Wedding Invitations

Merry Christmas: D

finally arrived Christmas guys:)
Of Cards ... ... talk ... laugh ... smile ... gifts and eat: P. .. I can have time to give the Congratulations to you: D
I wish the best to you .... all your families and loved ones ...: D
Because in the end, Christmas is just that ... to be with loved ones ... and if you can not physically ... at least my heart: D

Then again Congratulations to TUTTIIIIIII


soon with new recipe and Fotini ciaooooooooo ... hello:)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Great Basketball Music To Play To

meeeeee ...." Happy Birthday Cake Tour Eiffel "

Salveeeeee: D
By now I have 21 years ... Yesterday was a day beautiful ...
I spent the evening with my friends and it was fun ...
perfect dress as guests ... ... and the cake was one of my best satisfaction ...
To be told "is the best cakes I have ever eaten" makes its effect ... it made me forget all the stunts I had to do for the transport routes decorations Mounting ... ... ... etc etc ...
In the end everything turned out the best ways ....
Well you're curious to see the cake?
Eccolaaaaaa ...

My cake style "Paris Chic Christmas" ....
a sponge cake filled with chocolate cream and coffee cream, decorated with nutella ... ... chopped chocolate green on the sides and white in the background ...

with holly in plastic chocolate
and corners of pastry made with royal icing:)

And the little flakes of snow ostia:)

And the Eiffel Tower made of frosted pastry *_________*

Then put the recipe of pastry that the royal icing: D

tell me that you think:) I offer a virtual piece of my cake .... a way to celebrate with you my 21 years: D

you soon:)
ciaooooo Hello: D

Monday, December 20, 2010

Watch Xerexaubrey Miles Online For Free


buone feste a tutte quante!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Black Jack Golf Balls


Hello the chefs ... cuochine ... creative and eclectic :D

Mentre tutti sono in attesa del Natale...della cena con i cari...con gli amici di sempre...i ragalini sotto l' neve fuori dalle finestre e il profumo di  N A T A L E ...che non ha un'altro nome per essere descritto...
I mercatini con tanti pensierini da poter donare agli altri...le mille idee per la cena del 24...sulle casa presepe e l'albero con le minilucciole che ad intermittenza
accendono e spengono la cucina...fanno da cornice alle nostre vite e creano un'ambiente unico che c'è solo in questo periodo...
Io sono in attesa di un'altra tappa which is just before the December 25 ...
For me the holidays starting December 20 ...
but you'll wonder why you start celebrating too soon 5 days?
Well this was not my choice but my mother gave birth to my own that day ...
Well yes: D


It 's a day that I look so much anxiety throughout the year ...
E '... my day to spend with those who want to ... do what I like most and have fun with friends: D
Everything under the Christmas atmosphere here is ... that's why I love December. ..

So now we are at -3 days .... But you'll have until January 6 for join my
Candy NATALEEEEEEEE .... win gifts made and packed by me ... that will be the first to inaugurate the new section with lots of ideas ... creative objects ... tutorial recycling and of course ... always so sweet Creativity: D

Well ...

The rules are simple:

Join my supporters (if not already)
- Leave a comment with your name and a link to your blog This post
- Enter the banner of the blog candy on your blog Link to this post.
- If you must write 2 lines on the initiative and Dolce Crear in your blog ... but it is not mandatory:) .. only if you like ...
- Of all the people who participate will extract a person receiving the gift my secret: D

Well then it's easy .... PARTECIPATEEE: D.. . you run and tell her friends ...

Candy Natalizio IlDolceCrear

code: \u0026lt;a href=""> \u0026lt;img border="0" src="" alt="Candy IlDolceCrear"/> Christmas \u0026lt;/ a>

Sunday, December 12, 2010

How Do You Replace Pcv On 2002 Rodeo

cake in a cup" last minute

Buongiorno Good to all ..... eee 2nd Sunday of DICEMBREEEEEE : D

This morning I woke up with a sweet tooth ... I wanted something I could not wait to flash ... cooking time of a classic pie ... and that comes to mind?
time ago I had (I can not remember who) had a ricettuzza a cake for quick and easy to cook in the microwave ...
No baking oven ... no ... no time ... one cup ... and I was ready to leave: P
you want to try it?
The ingredients you will certainly find them in your pantry

  • 4 tablespoons flour 8 tablespoons cocoa 3 tablespoons water
  • 2 cucchai
  • oil 2 tablespoons milk 1
  • egg
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmolto And now the thing is simple ....

1. Take a cup ... a nice big breakfast ...
and put in all the ingredients ...

2. Stir stir mescolateeeeeeeeeeee ...

3. Now put the mug with the mixture in the microwave for 2 / 3 minutes maximum temperature ...

Et Voila ................. ..... the torta in tazza è pronta :D
Che ne dite?? Provatela e ditemi che ne pensate...
Ciao ciaoooooooo....a presto ;)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Bone Growth Under Gums

Cake "Happy Birthday Mom" \u200b\u200b

Bene la festa è finita...
é andato tutto benissimo...
la torta è piaciuta tantissimo
Io sono soddisfattissima sia della forma ma sopratutto del gusto (forse è stata la migliore fino ad ora) :P

Siete curiosi di vederla eh??



with closures plic
studs on the sides and
catenaaaaaa as Bratello
(it was a big job but it was worth it ...
not you think?)

It 's a sponge filled with coffee cream and chocolate covered and decorated with MMF (mush mellow fondant)


I greet you girls:)
the next recipe ... I recommend keep seguirmiiiiiiii:)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Why Does My Finger Go Numb And Pale

sponge cake with gifts: P

Hello to all / i. ..
today was a super busy day ... tomorrow is the birthday of my mother and then the preparations are in order ... besides the buffet and some tapas ... the highlight of the evening and TORTAAAAAAAA ...
My mother is a true specialist ... each year to receive accolades and approval by the guests ... in fact it is really a "patisserie" (though not for trade) very good ...
But this year ... because I became a food blogger and I'm feasting with the 'MMF ... I've decided to be the architect of the plot twist of the evening: P
I hope to show up to my teacher: D

For starters I've been carrying on with work and I made the mmf of various colors and the sign.


To make a wild large pan you will need:

6 or 7 eggs 500 gr sugar 200 gr flour

125 gr potato starch
grated 1 lemon (juice too)
tablespoons water 1 vanilla 1 tablespoon baking

Well you got all the ingredients? Viaaaaaaaaaaaa ...

1. Beat down the egg and sugar ... then add the vanilla and grated lemon

2. United spoons of water .... slowly pour in the flour ... potato starch and then the yeast

3.Lavorare until all ingredients are well incorporated

4.Versare the mixture into the buttered pan and bake at 180 degrees for 50 / 55 (do the toothpick test)

Wait long enough

Eeeeeeeeeeeeet Voilà

Now I will talk about the little prize I have received from very kind of Tam Tam http : / / /

These are the indications when you receive the prize:

1) To thank those who have awarded .
2) Scrivere un post per il premio 
3) Passarlo a 12 blog che riteniamo meritevoli 
4) Inserire il collegamento di ciascuno dei blog che abbiamo scelto
5) Dirlo ai premiati

Io ora sono di fretta quindi non posso far altro che invitare gli ultimi 12 amici che si sono aggiunti ai miei follower :D
Spero che passiate di qua per ricere il vosto regalino :D

Bè ora vediamo

Friday, December 3, 2010

How Much Does Turquoise Sell For


   Ciao a tuttiii :D

ritorno dopo un po' di tempo...e per alternare alle polpettine salate dell'ultimo post...oggi vi farò vedere un piatto dolce :D...a casa mia si fa spesso...e secondo me è perfetto anche per il natale :D con una bella decorazione può entrare nelle vostre tavole agghindate a festa e fare la sua figura :P
Sto parlando della zuppa inglese...é molto semplice e  veloce...potete farlo anche per cene organizzate all'ultimo momento...quando volete fare un dessert e davvero non sapete cosa inventarvi...Bhè questa è una buona soluzione :P

Vi servirano :

  •  un pacco di savoiardi
  • 4 bitter piccoli
  • una goccia di alchermes
  • gocce di cioccolato (o scagliette...quello che avete a disposizione)
  • cacao amaro in polvere
  • crema pasticcera
Ok...ora avete tutto l'occorrente...pronti per il primo step?? Viaaaaaaaa :D

1. Pour a base of pastry cream on the tray
2. Take a Savoyard and inzuppatelo in the compound of alchermes bitter and you have poured into a bowl

; 3. Make a layer of ladyfingers and cover with cream

4. Spolverateci on some 'cocoa powder and pour a little' chocolate chips scattered

5 . Continue with this method. ... .. layer upon layer until you reach the end of the tray

ET VOILA .....

Our soup is ready: D good buonaaaaaa;)