Sunday, December 5, 2010

Why Does My Finger Go Numb And Pale

sponge cake with gifts: P

Hello to all / i. ..
today was a super busy day ... tomorrow is the birthday of my mother and then the preparations are in order ... besides the buffet and some tapas ... the highlight of the evening and TORTAAAAAAAA ...
My mother is a true specialist ... each year to receive accolades and approval by the guests ... in fact it is really a "patisserie" (though not for trade) very good ...
But this year ... because I became a food blogger and I'm feasting with the 'MMF ... I've decided to be the architect of the plot twist of the evening: P
I hope to show up to my teacher: D

For starters I've been carrying on with work and I made the mmf of various colors and the sign.


To make a wild large pan you will need:

6 or 7 eggs 500 gr sugar 200 gr flour

125 gr potato starch
grated 1 lemon (juice too)
tablespoons water 1 vanilla 1 tablespoon baking

Well you got all the ingredients? Viaaaaaaaaaaaa ...

1. Beat down the egg and sugar ... then add the vanilla and grated lemon

2. United spoons of water .... slowly pour in the flour ... potato starch and then the yeast

3.Lavorare until all ingredients are well incorporated

4.Versare the mixture into the buttered pan and bake at 180 degrees for 50 / 55 (do the toothpick test)

Wait long enough

Eeeeeeeeeeeeet Voilà

Now I will talk about the little prize I have received from very kind of Tam Tam http : / / /

These are the indications when you receive the prize:

1) To thank those who have awarded .
2) Scrivere un post per il premio 
3) Passarlo a 12 blog che riteniamo meritevoli 
4) Inserire il collegamento di ciascuno dei blog che abbiamo scelto
5) Dirlo ai premiati

Io ora sono di fretta quindi non posso far altro che invitare gli ultimi 12 amici che si sono aggiunti ai miei follower :D
Spero che passiate di qua per ricere il vosto regalino :D

Bè ora vediamo


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