Sunday, October 31, 2010

If Genital Warts Are Scratched Do They Bleed Slot

there are waterfall!

this week, I want to throw the boeuf bourguignon!
is a fixed idea that I've had since I saw the movie ...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Cat Drinking Fountain Battery Powered

Chocolate cake without eggs

Ciaooooooo ...
Today I want to talk about a collection I feel so close ... the collection of "good and fast" ... that together with the Association Food Friend offers all of us to put all the "no sweets ..." to help parents of children allergic to certain foods to have fun cooking without sacrificing taste ... ... but respecting food intolerance ...

This case I feel very close to me because I too am lactose intolerant ... and come with some problems cholesterol (so the egg has become my enemy XD).

So I decided to collaborate in the initiative of proposing Stefania my chocolate cake ... absolutely no eggs: D

So first it was not hard to find ingredients:
  • 200 grams of flour 00
  • 250 grams of sugar
  • 75 g cocoa powder
  • 450 grams of milk
  • a drop of oil sunflower
  • a packet of yeast

Prontiiiiiiiiiii? Viaaaaaaaaa ...

1. Put the solids together and mix

2 . Combine the milk and oil ...

3 . ... Beater Hand mix well ...

4 . ... Butter the pan, pour the mixture and bake for 40 min at 160 ° ...


our cake that says no to allergies ... and very light: D

I I've drawn a smiley face ... nice for the kids ...

And this is the inside

I hope you enjoyed ... hello hello

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sunday Sport Jo Guest Free Dvd

remember ...
reminds me of what I think of this dish ...
memories in the memories ....
"Did I ever tell you about when I was a soldier?"
began like this ... my father ... and then continue ...
"was not simple ... before it was mandatory to serve in the military ... and being away from home ... with the wages they were really a pittance ... it was very difficult ... the tables were not a grain that often ... so I went with my , partners in a restaurant next to the barracks ... they knew our situation and then doing special menus just for the military ... and the things that I took were often just the scallops in white wine and every time ... I eat that I remember those days gone and those experiences ... "

This story was often told that when the table was a dish of scallops ... and every time that I cook relive those memories that are not my parents ... but they have something familiar ...

Any food can inspire in people feelings and memories of times past ... places ... people ... and it seems strange but it is like seeing a photo ... if not more ...

I wanted to relive this situation by offering you this very second ... not so much developed very good ... simple ... but it matters to me ...

you like to taste it?
Ok ... so as always going to the pantry in search of

  • 4 slices of turkey
  • 200 gr flour
  • oil
  • a glass of white wine (you can also try it with beer ... really good)
  • salt
prontiiiiiii Well you?

1. Take the slices in the flour ... and doing it will stick to good

2. Pour a little oil in frying pan and add us slices

3. United white wine and let it evaporate ... joining the flour comes out a sort of thick sauce

eeeeeeeeeeeeet Voilà ....

the dish is ready: D
fast and very easy to do on any occasion ...
with a fine carrot salad is perfect ...
Tell me what you think

Hello hello: D

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Filiform Wart On Eyelid

scaloppine with white wine chicken curry I

Salveeeeeee ...

The post I wrote the other day it occurred to me that a dish with its color and its odor is reminiscent of an autumn .... ... a little bit ethnic multicolor ... a bit hot ... a little young ...

case you have to understand what I mean?
give you a clue ... is an Indian dish that is depopulating but also in the West ....
you get??

I am talking about ...... CHICKEN CURRY

It takes a while to shred the ingredients but I assure you it's worth it ... it tastes so intense and special that I did not want to believe XD

you also want to try to immerse yourself in Indian cuisine? you can use it either as a second ethnic dinner with friends or even as a main dish for a light meal but gustosissimooooooo: D

Vi serviranno
  • 1 petto di pollo 
  • 3 pomodori
  • 2 cipolle
  • 1 peperone verde....(io ne ho usato uno giallo per ricordare i colori di stagione)
  • 2 zucchine
  • 3 carote
  • 2 yellow apples

Prontiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii?? viaaaaaaaaa .........
1. chopped onion and tomato into cubes and brown with a little oil in a pan

2. cut the chicken into pieces and add the other ingredients well with a spoon full of curry

3. tagliate tutti gli altri ingredienti ed uniteli al resto....coprite la padella con un coperchio e fate cuocere per bene              
  le verdure

4. aggiungete un'altro cucchiaio di curry....mescolate il tutto...impiattate 

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet Voila: D

is not really perfect for the 'autumn ? and has a unique taste *______* me completely rapt ...

to the next with a new recipe ...

CIAOOO hello ...

participate in the contest of

Monday, October 18, 2010

How Big Is A Full Dd?

fall colors ...

Good start to the week everyone: D
B it seems that the big chill has begun ... the streets start to fill with leaves and the city
olor c of orange and brown everywhere ... starting the lessons .... the university canteens are filled (tonight and
Ra not enter the queue view kilometers up into the front door) ... and the desire of warmth began to make s Entire scarf ... so ... much love to house and boots ...:) it's nice to sip tea in the company d elle ... friends in the room while studying to be out there you hear the noise of roommates who g irovagano Home ...
I nsomma to me 'knows autumn skies and warmth ... wrapped in a blanket and watch for a moment the life around me ... knows how to cuddle and care sa ... home: D

Q hese feelings are those that precede the arrival of December ... month in which I was born and that every nno look forward to ...

P er so I dressed my blog theme ...: D the colors of the season that are just good for my aginetta p: D

you like? hope so: D

Baciiiiii ...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

How To Make A Homemade Airsoft Bazooka

Birthday Cake

tuttiiiiiiii Hello ...

7 days have passed from my brother's birthday party a week really ... intense ... I have returned an exam ... I started the lessons, and then ... only now I managed to get hold of photos of the cake ...: D you were very curious ... well I must say that I changed a bit 'plans ...
I did something more classic ... to satisfy the tastes of young people who are less accustomed to the usual sponge cake:) So I made a nice
pds soft chocolate ... not as I expected ... and the 'I stuffed with cream with chocolate cream and lighter ... especially with less calories and cholesterol (Yes. .. as you have seen the latest recipes lately ... I prefer things light ...: P) And
Well decoration ...
the idea was to transform one of the passions in my brother's version sugar: D
And what technique to use? the usual cream?
NAAAAA .... we needed something new ... I had read so much about fondant ... mushmallow on various blogs and books ... but I never had time and opportunity to practice all the advice the expert: D

THEN THE DECISION WAS TAKEN ... I made a beautiful cake themed on CAGLIARI ... the favorite football team with my brother ... the shield in the center and lots of red decorations blue)
WITH ALL RIGOSA 'MMF (pdz and glue )....

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeet Voilà

my little work of art: P

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

German Public Men Mastrobation

Salveeeeeee. .. Today I do another savory pie ... this time with the variant peppers: P
The procedure is virtually identical: P
The flavor is much more intense ...
peppers can blend in or leave strips ... (I prefer to emulsify the blender with everything: D)

to follow the procedure step by step what the pie to zucchini ...

I'll see what comes out;)

this variant is also very light .... ... little money and few calories ... requires little time to prepare ...

ciaooooo soon: P

This recipe will attend the gathering on the pies Cucinadeliziosa Veronica's blog:) / 2010/09/la-mia-prima-raccolta.html

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Nicotine Lozenges Cavities

peppers pie pie zucchini (very light)

Salveeeee .... back after a week of eating (and a lot of work on the stove ...): P
Many experiments and ricettuzze for a slap-up party:)
Not to mention the enthusiasm of the celebration to see the birthday cake :D ...appena riesco a reperire le foto dalla memory card non mia vi faccio vedere il frutto del mio primo lavoro con la pasta da faccio vedere le semplici e gustosissime ricette delle torte salate...davvero light e che si preparano in pochissimo tempo... Pronteeeeeeeeeeee??

Si inizia...
Vi serviranno solamente

  • 3 zucchine grandi 
  • un rotolo di pasta sfoglia
  • olio 
  • un pizzico di sale
  • e bastaaaaaaaaaaa :D (vi avevo avvisato che era light :P)
Procurato tutto? allora  viaaaaaaaa ....

1. Tagliate le zucchine a dadini e mettetale su una pentola con un filo d'olio

2. Fatele cuocere per bene finchè non diventeranno morbidissime :)

3 . Mettete la pasta sfoglia in una teglia tonda e versateci le zucchine...poi girate i bordi verso l'interno

4. Ora è il tempo di infornare...magari accendete un pò prima il forno a 180 °...

5. Lasciate dorare la vostra pasta metterà circa 20 minuti dopo di che sfornate eeeeeeee

VOILA'.. ..

This recipe will attend the gathering on the pies Cucinadeliziosa Veronica's blog a blog ... cute:)

and also the contest of Antonella

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Needlepoint Dog Pillow Wholesale

Coming soon: P

tuttiiiiiii Hello: D

these days I have some for my little proggettino interactive world : P. .. I mean the mega
menu that I will organize at the birthday party of my brother ...
Well ... 16 years ... you still can not believe ... we just celebrate it properly ...
So I get by the head of the various little things ....

What do you think ??... I thought to prepare:

  • tart eggplant and peppers
  • tuna tomato and onion pie
  • mini pizzas
  • my greedy
chips and for dessert a mixture of:

  • cupcake cupcake Stain
  • berry fruit shortcake

And the final touch ... (this is a surprise)

A cake with chocolate and pasta double custard filling with milk e. ...............
see: P (could read and I would not spoil the surprise ...
What do you think? Comment and maybe something suggeritemi sfizzioso party for a simple but special
... You never know who may be born from this idea my first collection: P

Commented comment:)
soon ...
baciiiiiiiii: *