Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sunday Sport Jo Guest Free Dvd

remember ...
reminds me of what I think of this dish ...
memories in the memories ....
"Did I ever tell you about when I was a soldier?"
began like this ... my father ... and then continue ...
"was not simple ... before it was mandatory to serve in the military ... and being away from home ... with the wages they were really a pittance ... it was very difficult ... the tables were not a grain that often ... so I went with my , partners in a restaurant next to the barracks ... they knew our situation and then doing special menus just for the military ... and the things that I took were often just the scallops in white wine and every time ... I eat that I remember those days gone and those experiences ... "

This story was often told that when the table was a dish of scallops ... and every time that I cook relive those memories that are not my parents ... but they have something familiar ...

Any food can inspire in people feelings and memories of times past ... places ... people ... and it seems strange but it is like seeing a photo ... if not more ...

I wanted to relive this situation by offering you this very second ... not so much developed very good ... simple ... but it matters to me ...

you like to taste it?
Ok ... so as always going to the pantry in search of

  • 4 slices of turkey
  • 200 gr flour
  • oil
  • a glass of white wine (you can also try it with beer ... really good)
  • salt
prontiiiiiii Well you?

1. Take the slices in the flour ... and doing it will stick to good

2. Pour a little oil in frying pan and add us slices

3. United white wine and let it evaporate ... joining the flour comes out a sort of thick sauce

eeeeeeeeeeeeet VoilĂ  ....

the dish is ready: D
fast and very easy to do on any occasion ...
with a fine carrot salad is perfect ...
Tell me what you think

Hello hello: D


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